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360° Tours


Cash-rich, time-poor?  Maybe just the latter after Christmas! Time is a precious commodity, which is why Frank Taylor & Associates offer their Gold Plus and Gold members the convenience of being able to view the latest practices coming to the market from the comfort and convenience of their own home. This means you can view … Continue reading “360° Tours”

CQC & Bridging Partnerships


Recent changes announced by the CQC could have an impact on practice owners transferring an NHS contract via a partnership, particularly if a practice is due to be sold. But are partnerships still a viable pathway accepted by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the NHS today? Until recently, the transfer of NHS contracts has … Continue reading “CQC & Bridging Partnerships”

Stress in the workplace – are you prepared?


Andy Acton looks at some measures which could be put in place to protect your business from the effects of stress. The Mental Health Foundation published its latest research earlier this year on stress and the findings should get all of us thinking about the ticking time bomb that is mental health.  The study, an … Continue reading “Stress in the workplace – are you prepared?”

Looking Back, Looking Forward


Lis Hughes gives her thoughts on how the year has gone and what the future might hold. The onset of a new year provides an opportunity to look back as well as look forward. In 2018 Frank Taylor & Associates saw the number of associates registering an interest in buying a practice rise to 5,000.  … Continue reading “Looking Back, Looking Forward”

Big or Small….We Sell To Them All


Selling your dental practice will almost certainly be a challenge.  You’re unlikely to have a lot of experience, so you need the right people helping you, who are reassuringly familiar with the process and protocols.  Selling to a corporate may seem an ‘easier option’, however, you need to ensure fair terms are negotiated from the … Continue reading “Big or Small….We Sell To Them All”

Dental Valuer & Sales Agent Of The Year 2018


“It’s both reassuring and rewarding when others recognise your commitment and achievements”, this was Lis Hughes’ first thought when Frank Taylor & Associates (FTA) won ‘Dental Valuer & Sales Agent of the Year’ at the 2018 Global Business Insight Awards.  This event celebrates business leadership, innovation, investment and sector success across all seven continents of … Continue reading “Dental Valuer & Sales Agent Of The Year 2018”

Pearls of Wisdom…..after 30 Years


Frank Taylor & Associates (FTA) recently celebrated its 30th anniversary, and used the opportunity as a time to reflect on how the market has evolved.  Lis Hughes, Managing Director for FTA takes up the story. “Back in the mid-80’s Claudius Ash, a dental supply company, introduced a service known as ‘Confidential Services’ which provided a … Continue reading “Pearls of Wisdom…..after 30 Years”

National Coverage


Chances are if you’re thinking about buying or selling a practice, you would have done a little ‘Google research’ beforehand, which makes complete sense, as with Google you will get a national as well as a local perspective.  When choosing which agent to use you would be similarly prudent to chose one with both local … Continue reading “National Coverage”

New Year Checklist


The start of a new year is a great time to review, but it’s also an ideal opportunity to look forward and make plans.  You might like to consider your staff.  Are they the right people for the right job?  Just because they’ve been in a position for years, might not make them more valuable … Continue reading “New Year Checklist”

No More Horror Stories…and That’s a Promise!


It’s likely most people don’t have to think too hard to recall a problematic experience such as buying or selling a property.  Almost everyone will have their own saga about possibly the biggest financial decision of their lives.  Buying or selling dental practices can, arguably, be even more fraught with additional factors such as navigating … Continue reading “No More Horror Stories…and That’s a Promise!”

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