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How to Make a Winning Offer


So, you view a practice and like it – in fact like it so much you want it. You put in an offer (along with many others such is the market). All going to plan so far. As there are multiple offers made you are invited to place a ‘sealed bid’. A sealed bid is … Continue reading “How to Make a Winning Offer”

Workplace Pensions – The Essentials


As an employer, you will be well aware of Workplace Pensions. If not then you can get more information here and we would strongly urge you to do so as you could be staring in the face of an immediate £400 fine. In short it means that as a practice owner you have a legal obligation to … Continue reading “Workplace Pensions – The Essentials”

Discover exactly what you need to know before selling your practice


Plan in advance – I often speak to principals who have booked their celebratory holiday even before getting their practice valued. Succession planning is vital and ideally you should be considering your options at least three years in advance. Always get a valuation – even more so if you are approached privately – do not … Continue reading “Discover exactly what you need to know before selling your practice”

Are you prepared?


If you are starting to consider succession planning and have a leasehold practice you really need to ensure the terms and conditions of the lease are fit for a sale.  We see more practices come to the market as leasehold and whilst banks are happy to lend against a lease they do insist the lease … Continue reading “Are you prepared?”

Market Update on the NASDAL Survey


It is interesting to see that the latest NASDAL survey reports that demand and not profitability is driving dental practice values.   There is no doubt that demand is incredibly high and has been for some time with no signs of this abating any time soon. It is also true to say that there are … Continue reading “Market Update on the NASDAL Survey”

CQC Inspection….Will you pass?


Since April 2015 CQC recognised that Dentistry could be classed as low risk compared to other areas it covers and has introduced new fundamental standards and five key lines of enquiries.  Essentially this means all dental practices have to provide evidence they are fully compliant at all times across all five key lines of enquiries … Continue reading “CQC Inspection….Will you pass?”

Free Evaluation with Workplace Pension Scheme


As an employer you have a legal obligation to provide a Workplace Pension scheme for your employees. This is being reported as the biggest issue facing UK businesses yet very few people are talking about it. This is primarily because the Staging Dates for smaller businesses aren’t until 2016-2017 – but few realise it can … Continue reading “Free Evaluation with Workplace Pension Scheme”

Top Leadership Quotes


I’ve picked up valuable tips from some outstanding leaders over time and here are my top 6…. Screw it, let’s do it – Richard Branson I’m extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end – Margaret Thatcher All pressure if self-inflicted. It’s what you make of it, or how you let it rub … Continue reading “Top Leadership Quotes”

Four Characteristics of Strong Leadership


Leaders are people who instinctively do the right thing; managers are people who do things right. We often look at outstanding leaders in awe and somehow assume they always had that ability – but for the most part this is not the case. Leadership is a quality that can be developed over time – it … Continue reading “Four Characteristics of Strong Leadership”

How to sell your dental practice


If you are planning to sell your dental practice here is a step by step guide on how to go about it. 1. PLAN in advance – it can be daunting when we speak to principals who have booked their round the world cruise before even getting their practice valued. Succession planning is vital and … Continue reading “How to sell your dental practice”

Claim your FREE guide 10 Top Tips for Selling a Dental Practice
Frank Taylor & Associates

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