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Where there’s a Will, there’s peace of mind.


What do Picasso, Jimi Hendrix, and Abraham Lincoln all have in common? You’re probably thinking, not much. But they do, in fact, have one big thing in common. They all died intestate—which means they died without having a will. As living creatures, the sad, but brutal truth, is that we all have a limited time to … Continue reading “Where there’s a Will, there’s peace of mind.”

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work


Central to the success of any business are its people.  A motivated, valued team will work hard and espouse the values of your business.  The desire to look after its people is what prompted Frank Taylor & Associates (FTA) to review their working week and offer individuals the option of switching to a nine-day fortnight. … Continue reading “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work”

Short, Sweet and Super Important (Part 2)


Andy Acton of Frank Taylor & Associates continues his explanation of the importance of understanding your business’ EBITDA. ‘We’ve already discussed why understanding the underlying financials are a key part of our valuation process. I’d hesitate to say that ‘the devil is in the detail’ as the calculations aren’t fiendishly complicated, but it is important … Continue reading “Short, Sweet and Super Important (Part 2)”

Short, Sweet and Super Important


The use of acronyms is commonplace in most walks of life, and many have just become accepted as part of the language, even the oracle itself, the Oxford English Dictionary, is known in its shorter form of OED! To the uninitiated these abbreviations can seem overly complicated, daunting even, as the fuller and more easily … Continue reading “Short, Sweet and Super Important”

Peace of Mind, not Back of Mind


In day-to-day life, business and personal, we will often insure against the consequences of an undesirable event. Of course, we hope never to need to claim, whether it be for an accident, loss or theft of a valuable item, serious illness or death. It’s never nice to think about the circumstances which may necessitate a … Continue reading “Peace of Mind, not Back of Mind”

The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts


It’s been almost impossible to escape the sense of economic downturn, every news broadcast seems to bring more harbingers of doom, be it in the form of rising inflation and interest rates, a weakening pound and the likelihood of a prolonged recession. It’s hardly the stuff of cheer.  It’s often at times like this that … Continue reading “The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts”

Controlling the Controllables


It’s hard to escape the current uncertainty in the economic environment; it seems after the lifting of covid restrictions the ‘new normal’ we all longed for is one of inflation, rising interest rates, a weakening pound and the spectre of recession looming ever larger. For the unprepared it could give you sleepless nights. Which is … Continue reading “Controlling the Controllables”

Celebrating a Century


Our latest Practice Value Index published in the October 2022 issue of Dentistry Magazine is a landmark one….it’s the 100th issue we’ve published! Reflecting on the longevity of the index, Lis Hughes of FTA, said, “We’re delighted and proud to achieve the 100 milestone, particularly because its publication and the research the team at FTA … Continue reading “Celebrating a Century”

Preparing for rainy days


Whilst many of us in the UK have been desperate for rain clouds to provide some relief from the scorching summer temperatures, many commentators will have you believe storm clouds seem to be gathering on the economic front. Recent interest rate rises have caused some reluctance from borrowers to either enter into, or complete, mortgage … Continue reading “Preparing for rainy days”

Procrastination is the thief of time!


Andy Acton of Frank Taylor and Associates recently led the keynote speech at the Start Up in Dentistry event, and was able to share his insights of, and experience in, the entire practice buying process with the attendees. “Well before the ink is dry on any contract, before a client has even started looking at … Continue reading “Procrastination is the thief of time!”

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