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Facing your fears


Andy Acton discusses some of the common concerns dentists have when buying or selling a dental practice…. Whilst the value of practices has changed enormously in the 21 years I’ve been helping practices buy and sell, one thing that hasn’t are the concerns that that many going through the process experience.  They say a problem … Continue reading “Facing your fears”

Finding the sweet spot


Set your principal gross at £300,000 max, urges Lis Hughes….. For those of you who are looking for advice on how to increase the goodwill value of your dental practice, here’s another simple tip of how you can achieve this. As the principal of your own dental practice, you will typically be the top fee … Continue reading “Finding the sweet spot”

Don’t refer work out – keep it in-house


We are regularly asked by sellers for tips on the best ways to increase the goodwill value of their dental practice.  So, here’s one tip that should be relatively straightforward to implement……where possible, always deliver treatments (such as orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics or implants etc) in-house at your practice. If you are referring work out, our … Continue reading “Don’t refer work out – keep it in-house”

Stable Accounts Prior to Sale


So often sellers ask how they can increase the goodwill value of their dental practice so here is a simple tip which adds value and gives buyers comfort too. Frank Taylor & Associates has sold over £2bn of dental practices and the common theme among buyers is they want to buy consistency, stability, and opportunity … Continue reading “Stable Accounts Prior to Sale”

Profit is Sanity


Many dental practices have seen a surge in patient demand from June last year when dental practices could re-open following Covid lockdown v1.0. This surge has enabled practice owners to help recover losses sustained from earlier in 2020 and, for many, to re-organise their way of working to meet this new demand. There are clearly … Continue reading “Profit is Sanity”

COVID-19 and dental practice ownership


Andy Acton from FTA, and Kirsty Hague from Hague Dental, discuss the options for dentists surrounding practice ownership following COVID-19. COVID-19 may have torn apart the global economy but, according to a recent article in The New York Times, the unique positioning of dental practices makes them stable businesses. Indeed, in the eyes of some economists, … Continue reading “COVID-19 and dental practice ownership”

Strong & Stable


The phrase ‘Strong and Stable’ probably hasn’t been used in many industries over the last twelve months, and before that may have been used as a stick with which to beat governments with, yet it would be a good summary of the results of a survey of the dental industry undertaken by Frank Taylor & … Continue reading “Strong & Stable”

Have you seen our new video?


After a challenging 2020, we decided to start this year with a bit of a bang and put together a new company video that outlines more about what we do and how we can help those in the dental sector. The video was quick and easy to produce – all efficiently co-ordinated by the expert … Continue reading “Have you seen our new video?”

New normal, new balance


Andy Acton looks at the issue of changing workplace demographics and the impact that might have on dental practices. A year ago ‘new normal’ would almost have been an oxymoron; for many the word ‘normal’ was almost synonymous with ‘same old, same old’. Twelve months, several lockdowns later and with the prefix ‘new’ it has … Continue reading “New normal, new balance”

Clubhouse – what is all the fuss about?


Andy Acton talks about the fast-growing app Clubhouse and why it’s making an impression within business and dentistry. Clubhouse is quickly gaining traction as the next big social media platform. In short, it is an audio-only drop-in chat platform. It uses the age-old way of communication: voice. Innovative eh?! You can join and just listen … Continue reading “Clubhouse – what is all the fuss about?”

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