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Knowledge is power!


Buying a dental practice is a big step and requires your total commitment for this to become a reality. Such is the market at present you are facing a lot of competition.  We currently have over 4,300 dentists registered with us, so it is critical that you get the information and support you need as … Continue reading “Knowledge is power!”

Is this your first time?


For most principals selling a dental practice is a once in a lifetime experience because the majority of principals only ever own one practice. Given this it would make sense to engage some help to ensure you get the very best result possible. When I travelled to the west coast of North America I engaged … Continue reading “Is this your first time?”

Goodwill – Feel Something is Missing?


When it comes to selling a dental practice there are many principals who are left feeling they were short changed. To achieve the best goodwill value you need to follow a few key steps. Don’t allow the buyer to value your business – this is the first cardinal sin. Whether the buyer is your friend down the … Continue reading “Goodwill – Feel Something is Missing?”

Valuation Policy Change


At Frank Taylor & Associates we specialise in valuing dental practices and when doing this hundreds of times a year we get a good handle on the market and how it is changing. As with most markets things change and in dentistry it is the demand for dental practices that heavily impacts on their value. … Continue reading “Valuation Policy Change”

Workplace Pensions – take action before 20 Nov!


The new law referred to as ‘Auto Enrolment’ is now in force which makes it a legal requirement that every employer regardless of size must automatically enrol their employees into a workplace pension scheme. Due to costs being imposed by the scheme providers there will be a £360 to £600 fee to register a scheme … Continue reading “Workplace Pensions – take action before 20 Nov!”

How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes When Selling a Dental Practice


When it comes to selling your dental practice you will only get one shot to get it right so it really matters you are well informed and prepared. It is absolutely possible to sell your dental practice yourself without the need for a sales agent, however, given the value of this asset most tend to … Continue reading “How to Avoid the 5 Most Common Mistakes When Selling a Dental Practice”

Goodwill Values Continue to Out Perform NASDAL Survey


The ranges reported in the NASDAL survey show the inherent risk of taking averages – the country has such a wide and varied range of goodwill values it is always important to treat your own practice as individual. There is a recurring theme as I compare the NASDAL results to those achieved by Frank Taylor … Continue reading “Goodwill Values Continue to Out Perform NASDAL Survey”

Quick access to information can make all the difference!


We know there’s a lot of competition when looking to buy a practice and serious buyers are no doubt well aware of how quick they need to move for the most desirable of practices given the current market.   We currently have over 4,300 dentists registered with us so for those who want to make buying … Continue reading “Quick access to information can make all the difference!”

Selling your practice? 5 things to think about.


So you’ve decided to sell your practice? You’re moving to a new area? Retiring? Fancy a change? Although each seller may have a different reason for selling; the end result remains the same. To maximise the sale price and have the process as stress free as possible. So before you sell your practice, consider the … Continue reading “Selling your practice? 5 things to think about.”

Not for the Fainthearted!


Right now, you are heading towards The Pension Regulator’s list of non-complaint firms. There is a clear process and immediate fines for businesses that are operating illegally. If you receive a letter – here’s what you’re in for: A fixed penalty notice of £400 for a breach of the law Further escalating penalty notices with … Continue reading “Not for the Fainthearted!”

Claim your FREE guide 10 Top Tips for Selling a Dental Practice
Frank Taylor & Associates

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