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Procrastination is the thief of time!


Andy Acton of Frank Taylor and Associates recently led the keynote speech at the Start Up in Dentistry event, and was able to share his insights of, and experience in, the entire practice buying process with the attendees. “Well before the ink is dry on any contract, before a client has even started looking at … Continue reading “Procrastination is the thief of time!”

New Normal – what does that look like?


New Normal In the midst of multiple lockdowns, the phrase ‘new normal’ was an alliterative addition to all our vocabularies. At the time the term generally referred to the new way of life to which we were all adapting whilst restrictions were imposed. In fact, in the UK the last restrictions were only lifted in … Continue reading “New Normal – what does that look like?”

Don’t restrict your market


In most areas of life if we are faced with a decision in an area for which we aren’t an expert, we will seek professional advice, whether that is repairs to the car or the home or an appointment with the doctor. Put simply, we want to minimise the risk of making a potentially costly … Continue reading “Don’t restrict your market”

Goodwill Values – what’s changed?


In case you missed the presentation by our directors Andy Acton & Chris Strevens at the recent BDIA Dental Showcase 2022, here’s a link to the recording: watch now If you have any further questions about the presentation, please contact us on 0330 088 1156. Information Session Aims: This session enabled learners to learn more … Continue reading “Goodwill Values – what’s changed?”

Best Independent Dental Valuer & Sales Agent – UK 2022


We’re delighted that Frank Taylor & Associates has been recognised as the ‘Best Independent Dental Valuer & Sales Agent – UK’ 2022.

When it’s time to phone a friend!


The option to call on expert help has long been a valuable lifeline on one of TV’s most famous quiz shows. Contestants, when faced with a tricky decision, can call on the help of a friend, ideally one knowledgeable in the field to which the question relates. The principle of asking an expert for advice … Continue reading “When it’s time to phone a friend!”

2022? Bring it on!


Whilst the spectre of further lockdowns and rising case numbers mean we can’t be complacent, the gradual arrival of ‘new normal’, if not a return to the old one, means that many industries are starting to both look forward with more confidence and look back on a turbulent last 18 to 24 months with some … Continue reading “2022? Bring it on!”

Future of Hybrid Working


Andy Acton considers how dentistry can embrace change. Thanks to The Dentist Magazine for publishing this piece in their December issue. Hybrid working is very much a current discussion point in many industries, with recent surveys showing around 70% of organisations are  intending to adopt a hybrid working approach, and nearly 80% of employees wanting … Continue reading “Future of Hybrid Working”

Lloyds Bank Healthcare Confidence Index 2021


Our director Andy Acton was recently asked to contribute to the Lloyds Healthcare Confidence Survey 2021 with his thoughts on dentistry. According to Andy, “Dentistry is an incredibly progressive and entrepreneurial sector. It’s very resilient too – some have said recession proof – so I’m not surprised to see confidence has bounced back so robustly.” … Continue reading “Lloyds Bank Healthcare Confidence Index 2021”

Goodwill Value: Sitting Pretty


Increasing chair occupancy will increase goodwill value says Lis Hughes, Managing Director of Frank Taylor & Associates A relatively new phenomenon in the restaurant industry is the two-hour table limit. As a diner we see a table with beautiful linen, polished cutlery, and crystal glassware – or depending on where you are a paper bag … Continue reading “Goodwill Value: Sitting Pretty”

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