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Do What is Right When Selling


Andy Acton, Director of Frank Taylor & Associates, sums up the importance of doing what is right when selling your dental practice.   I am sure we’ve all had situations where we have known what the right thing to do is, but paused. Doing the right thing is sometimes a complex conundrum. Would you be … Continue reading “Do What is Right When Selling”

Selling for free doesn’t make commercial sense!


It is well known that we all like something for free, in fact it recently ranked 2nd in a recent poll of our most favourite things! However, like most things in life there are always exceptions. We all know that tomatoes are a fruit but would you add them to a fruit salad? And remember … Continue reading “Selling for free doesn’t make commercial sense!”

Selling a dental practice for free is a bad idea!


We see more and more dentists understanding that selling a practice for no commission is dancing close to commercial suicide. There has been a long held view by many dentists that selling for free and getting their buyer to pay this fee was a good idea – surely this is money saved was the cry. … Continue reading “Selling a dental practice for free is a bad idea!”

BDIA Dental Showcase 2014


INNOVATIVE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS AT THE 2014 BDIA SHOWCASE When it comes to unlocking the true value of dental practices, Frank Taylor & Associates hold the key. Visitors to stand G06 at the recent BDIA Dental Showcase talked at length with the experts in the Frank Taylor & Associates team, sharing their ambitions and concerns and … Continue reading “BDIA Dental Showcase 2014”

Andy Acton joins PPD Board


Frank Taylor & Associates are delighted to announce the appointment of Andy Acton to the PPD UK Editorial Board. Andy Acton is a director and co-owner of Frank Taylor & Asssociates, one of the UK’s leading independent dental practice valuers and sales agents to the dental profession.  Andy is a recognised expert in dental valuation … Continue reading “Andy Acton joins PPD Board”

Business Interruption Cover


When the worst thing happens…. Your business has been going well and your turnover has increased, making more profits. What you may not have taken into account is to review your Surgery insurance, in particular the Business Interruption part of the policy. Generally dentists keep renewing the same surgery insurance policy and, if it is … Continue reading “Business Interruption Cover”

Now is the perfect time to sell


Lis Hughes, managing director at Frank Taylor & Associates, explains why now is the perfect time to sell.   In the five years since the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent the global financial system into near meltdown, the legacy remains with us and the dental sector like all others has been affected. However, finally there … Continue reading “Now is the perfect time to sell”

Are you a financial orphan?


Did you know about new regulations which came into force from January 2013, called Retail Distribution Review (more commonly known as RDR)?  As a result, financial advisers are no longer able to receive commission on pensions and investments, instead they have to be transparent and discuss and agree their fees with the clients. You may … Continue reading “Are you a financial orphan?”

What to do when thinking about selling your dental practice


With the value of goodwill at a consistently healthy level, you may as a practice owner be considering your future options.  Here are a number of points you should consider: Plan in advance – it can be daunting when we speak to principals who have booked their round the world cruise before even getting the … Continue reading “What to do when thinking about selling your dental practice”

Give your finances a spring clean


The fiscal year end is rapidly approaching which is an ideal time to take stock of your financial position – in effect you can make a ‘Financial New Year’s resolution’. Here’s a quick guide for undertaking a simple and achievable review, irrespective of your income or outgoings, which could improve your overall financial health and … Continue reading “Give your finances a spring clean”

Claim your FREE guide 10 Top Tips for Selling a Dental Practice
Frank Taylor & Associates

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